Bradford vs SP Jain

Hi, I am looking to do EMBA in Dubai.  CASS is definitely first choice but again, cost is slightly higher side and I understand their strength is finance but i am more looking into Strategy Management / Business Analytics. so sorted Bradford as first choice and 2nd choice to S P Jain. None of these are part of top 100 EMBA University in FT list so hard to decide which one to try out, so can anyone offer their own experience? why they chose one over another?

Any one with Manchester GMBA? What would be basic difference to go with Manchester?



[Edited by Nirav patel1 on Jul 30, 2022]

Hi, I am looking to do EMBA in Dubai.&nbsp; CASS is definitely first choice but again, cost is slightly higher side and I understand their strength is finance but i am more looking into Strategy Management / Business Analytics. so sorted Bradford as first choice and 2nd choice to S P Jain. None of these are part of top 100 EMBA University in FT list so hard to decide which one to try out, so can anyone offer their own experience? why they chose one over another?<br>
<br><br>Any one with Manchester GMBA? What would be basic difference to go with Manchester?<br>

What are your goals? Do you want a specialised degree or a general management programme? At Western schools, a specialised masters will tend to be an MSc rather than an MBA. 

What are your goals? Do you want a specialised degree or a general management programme? At Western schools, a specialised masters will tend to be an MSc rather than an MBA.&nbsp;

What are your goals? Do you want a specialised degree or a general management programme? At Western schools, a specialised masters will tend to be an MSc rather than an MBA. 

Hi Duncan,

Goal is general MBA only with some specific selective in Strategy Management and/or Business analytics. also, Don't want to go all online option as being part time MBA itself will reduces duration to make contacts so prefer cohort study.

[quote]What are your goals? Do you want a specialised degree or a general management programme? At Western schools, a specialised masters will tend to be an MSc rather than an MBA.&nbsp; [/quote]<br><br><br><br>Hi Duncan,<br><br>Goal is general MBA only with some specific selective in Strategy Management and/or Business analytics. also, Don't want to go all online option as being part time MBA itself will reduces duration to make contacts so prefer cohort study.<br>

If you don't want the sort of major return on investment that you'd get with LBS or Bayes, then Manchester or Strathclyde will probably be options to look at. The AMBA degree is a part-time MBA, rather than an Executive MBA, so the admissions team will accept candidates with more modest work experience. 

If you don't want the sort of major return on investment that you'd get with LBS or Bayes, then Manchester or Strathclyde will probably be options to look at. The AMBA degree is a part-time MBA, rather than an Executive MBA, so the admissions team will accept candidates with more modest work experience.&nbsp;

If you don't want the sort of major return on investment that you'd get with LBS or Bayes, then Manchester or Strathclyde will probably be options to look at. The AMBA degree is a part-time MBA, rather than an Executive MBA, so the admissions team will accept candidates with more modest work experience. 

Thanks for the response. Is there anyway I can find general trend on the ROI for each manchester and bayes? LBS is something too expensive for me.

[quote]If you don't want the sort of major return on investment that you'd get with LBS or Bayes, then Manchester or Strathclyde will probably be options to look at. The AMBA degree is a part-time MBA, rather than an Executive MBA, so the admissions team will accept candidates with more modest work experience.&nbsp; [/quote]<br><br>Thanks for the response. Is there anyway I can find general trend on the ROI for each manchester and bayes? LBS is something too expensive for me.

You can see salary data for Bayes in the FT EMBA ranking. I don't think there are such data for the Manchester Global MBA. 

You can see salary data for Bayes in the FT EMBA ranking. I don't think there are such data for the Manchester Global MBA.&nbsp;

You can see salary data for Bayes in the FT EMBA ranking. I don't think there are such data for the Manchester Global MBA. 

Thank you Duncan, In fact, In did saw that but is there any way to get secondary data for the same? And is it safe to assume that FT salary data is irrespective of school location?

[quote]You can see salary data for Bayes in the FT EMBA ranking. I don't think there are such data for the Manchester Global MBA.&nbsp; [/quote]<br><br>Thank you Duncan, In fact, In did saw that but is there any way to get secondary data for the same? And is it safe to assume that FT salary data is irrespective of school location?

Sadly I can't see a way to get more granular data. 

Sadly I can't see a way to get more granular data.&nbsp;

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