US citizen looking for best MBA in Spain

I’m a US citizen who is living in Spain for a few years, got my husband’s job. I have 9 years experience in non profit, 1 as an HR Business Partner and the others as Program Director (Senior Management). I want to transition to for profit corporations.
My question: is the MBA program at UC3M known in the US/ will it help me with my goal?


I’m a US citizen who is living in Spain for a few years, got my husband’s job. I have 9 years experience in non profit, 1 as an HR Business Partner and the others as Program Director (Senior Management). I want to transition to for profit corporations.
My question: is the MBA program at UC3M known in the US/ will it help me with my goal?


Not really. So, if you want to work in the US take a MBA from a US college. Online study is a good option. UC3M is a great school but it has no brand equity with US employers. UIUC or Harvard Extension will be a better investment.

Not really. So, if you want to work in the US take a MBA from a US college. Online study is a good option. UC3M is a great school but it has no brand equity with US employers. UIUC or Harvard Extension will be a better investment.

If you want to work in Spain, learning Spanish as intensively as possible will help more than any course taught in English. If you want to work in US HRM, a qualification from the SHRM (or an MS accredited by it) could work better than an MBA. Overqualification is an easy excuse to remove a candidate from consideration.

If you want to work in Spain, learning Spanish as intensively as possible will help more than any course taught in English. If you want to work in US HRM, a qualification from the SHRM (or an MS accredited by it) could work better than an MBA. Overqualification is an easy excuse to remove a candidate from consideration.

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