Hey, thanks a bunch for your feedback! So, I'm from India and have been in Banking and Financial Services for 19 years. I'm wondering if it's worth the time and money investment of pursuing an MBA in order to relocate to the UK, as I'd be very interested in living and working there. Is this a viable way to aim at relocating? How big of a role does the school play? Is there a sort of cut-off way to think about it, where if a school is below a certain level, it makes not worth if you want to have a fair shot at working there?
MBA relocation UK
Posted Jan 29, 2024 22:07
Hey, thanks a bunch for your feedback! So, I'm from India and have been in Banking and Financial Services for 19 years. I'm wondering if it's worth the time and money investment of pursuing an MBA in order to relocate to the UK, as I'd be very interested in living and working there. Is this a viable way to aim at relocating? How big of a role does the school play? Is there a sort of cut-off way to think about it, where if a school is below a certain level, it makes not worth if you want to have a fair shot at working there?
Posted Jan 30, 2024 15:44
What are your underlying assumptions? Could you apply directly for jobs in the UK as an experienced hire? You'll be a little older than most MBA participants. What sort of role are you in now? You'll find the transition easiest if you start on a role where you can hit the ground running, so a MiF, CFA, or a UK professional qualification in banking or accounting might work better.
What are your underlying assumptions? Could you apply directly for jobs in the UK as an experienced hire? You'll be a little older than most MBA participants. What sort of role are you in now? You'll find the transition easiest if you start on a role where you can hit the ground running, so a MiF, CFA, or a UK professional qualification in banking or accounting might work better.
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