MBA in London

Hi guys,

I would like to get input on which MBA program in London I should go for, preferably with lower tuition fees. From my research I see three tiers of business schools:

1. London Business School: I know this is the best MBA program in London but the cost is too much for me without a miracle (a scholarship or fellowship).

2. Cass Business School or Imperial College Business School: I would have to borrow money to cover the tuition and cost of living, so I would need to get a job in London after the MBA in order to pay the loans back.

3. Brunel Business School or Westminster Business School: I could pay for these programs with my savings so there wouldn't be much financial risk.

The main question I have is whether it is worth it to pay more for the Cass or Imperial MBA, knowing the MBA job scene in London. If I knew that I could get a job in London after I graduate and make a decent salary, then it would make sense for me to borrow money.

Hi guys,

I would like to get input on which MBA program in London I should go for, preferably with lower tuition fees. From my research I see three tiers of business schools:

1. London Business School: I know this is the best MBA program in London but the cost is too much for me without a miracle (a scholarship or fellowship).

2. Cass Business School or Imperial College Business School: I would have to borrow money to cover the tuition and cost of living, so I would need to get a job in London after the MBA in order to pay the loans back.

3. Brunel Business School or Westminster Business School: I could pay for these programs with my savings so there wouldn't be much financial risk.

The main question I have is whether it is worth it to pay more for the Cass or Imperial MBA, knowing the MBA job scene in London. If I knew that I could get a job in London after I graduate and make a decent salary, then it would make sense for me to borrow money.


You have given very little information about yourself and more importantly what haven't mentioned, what 'you' seek to do? Do you have any work experience? as most of the top MBA require a minimum of 3 years experience (preferably managerial). What is your GMAT score? etc ... In case you do not have enough experience, an MSc is a much better option. It's less costlier too.

Coming to your questions. Yes, LBS is not only one of the top most but also, the most difficult to get into. In case you are thinking about scholarships, please refer to Duncan's post -

Cass & Imperial are really good. Probably you should target them (just assuming as I do not have much info about your qualification/GMAT etc ..). Also, why do you want to get into a job only in London? Why not the other parts of England/Scotland?

I have no idea about Brunel or Westminister, hence am unable to comment or provide advise on the same.

In general, if your target is to get a low cost MBA from the UK then I would suggest a big 'NO'. This will neither fetch you a job nor add value to your resume. A decent MBA from a Tier2 business school, although costly, will definitely help you in securing a job (again its in your hands, as to how you utilize the career services @ the university) and you will inturn be able to repay the study loan. In the longer run you would have realized that you have taken the right decision.

** I think, I might have successfully confused you but my main intention is to get your thought process running. My answers are purely based on my own research/interest & contacts I have gathered over the years.

All the best.

[Edited by Raj_mba on Feb 06, 2015]


You have given very little information about yourself and more importantly what haven't mentioned, what 'you' seek to do? Do you have any work experience? as most of the top MBA require a minimum of 3 years experience (preferably managerial). What is your GMAT score? etc ... In case you do not have enough experience, an MSc is a much better option. It's less costlier too.

Coming to your questions. Yes, LBS is not only one of the top most but also, the most difficult to get into. In case you are thinking about scholarships, please refer to Duncan's post -

Cass & Imperial are really good. Probably you should target them (just assuming as I do not have much info about your qualification/GMAT etc ..). Also, why do you want to get into a job only in London? Why not the other parts of England/Scotland?

I have no idea about Brunel or Westminister, hence am unable to comment or provide advise on the same.

In general, if your target is to get a low cost MBA from the UK then I would suggest a big 'NO'. This will neither fetch you a job nor add value to your resume. A decent MBA from a Tier2 business school, although costly, will definitely help you in securing a job (again its in your hands, as to how you utilize the career services @ the university) and you will inturn be able to repay the study loan. In the longer run you would have realized that you have taken the right decision.

** I think, I might have successfully confused you but my main intention is to get your thought process running. My answers are purely based on my own research/interest & contacts I have gathered over the years.

All the best.

Take a look at The difference between these MBAs is worth millions, much more than the fees. Get into the best programme you can.

Take a look at The difference between these MBAs is worth millions, much more than the fees. Get into the best programme you can.


I think you should use Linkedin to have a better idea about the real careers of alumni from different schools. Then you had better get in touch with the schools and -if possible- with a few graduates of those schools to get some first hand information. You have alternatives in London.

Wish you the best...


I think you should use Linkedin to have a better idea about the real careers of alumni from different schools. Then you had better get in touch with the schools and -if possible- with a few graduates of those schools to get some first hand information. You have alternatives in London.

Wish you the best...

Thank you everybody for your advice. Yes, I have to be in London due to family commitments.

On my practice GMAT tests I have been easily able to score between 660-680 but could most likely I could get it even higher. I do have 4 yrs of work experience in information technology. I do not know what I want to do after graduation but am checking out career path ideas.

It sounds like I should avoid the programs with the lowest tuition fees but instead target Cass and Imperial, and with LBS as a long shot in terms of financing. I will also connect with alumni. Again, I appreciate the advice!

Thank you everybody for your advice. Yes, I have to be in London due to family commitments.

On my practice GMAT tests I have been easily able to score between 660-680 but could most likely I could get it even higher. I do have 4 yrs of work experience in information technology. I do not know what I want to do after graduation but am checking out career path ideas.

It sounds like I should avoid the programs with the lowest tuition fees but instead target Cass and Imperial, and with LBS as a long shot in terms of financing. I will also connect with alumni. Again, I appreciate the advice!

Alright so what do you guys think about Cass vs. Imperial? I may be forced to choose between these two and don't know which I should choose.

Alright so what do you guys think about Cass vs. Imperial? I may be forced to choose between these two and don't know which I should choose.

What are your goals? What do you think of all the comments on this site about Cass and Imperial?

What are your goals? What do you think of all the comments on this site about Cass and Imperial?

I want to transition into financial services. Imperial is ranked better, I know that but Cass seems to be good in terms of finance placements. What are your thoughts?

I want to transition into financial services. Imperial is ranked better, I know that but Cass seems to be good in terms of finance placements. What are your thoughts?

Cass is better for finance.

Cass is better for finance.

So what I am gathering from this discussion and some elsewhere is that:

- Brunel or Westminster even if they have accreditation, may not be worth the investment for people without EU residency
- it's better in the long run to go to Cass/imperial/LBS
- a ranked MIM from Cass/Imperial/LBS would probably be better than a low-cost accredited MBA.


If that's the case, is there a school like Cass or Imperial that offers good financial support, including scholarships, grants, assistantships, loans for international students?

So what I am gathering from this discussion and some elsewhere is that:

- Brunel or Westminster even if they have accreditation, may not be worth the investment for people without EU residency
- it's better in the long run to go to Cass/imperial/LBS
- a ranked MIM from Cass/Imperial/LBS would probably be better than a low-cost accredited MBA.


If that's the case, is there a school like Cass or Imperial that offers good financial support, including scholarships, grants, assistantships, loans for international students?

I think the complicaiton is that someone with enough work experience for an MBA at those schools would have too much work experience for a MiM. In that case the comparison is between an MSc in Finance and an MBA. I think LBS really looks for work experience in its MiF students, so that is the outstanding choice there, along with Cambridge. Those are certainly much better choices for someone wanting to get into finance than Brunel or Westminster.

I think the complicaiton is that someone with enough work experience for an MBA at those schools would have too much work experience for a MiM. In that case the comparison is between an MSc in Finance and an MBA. I think LBS really looks for work experience in its MiF students, so that is the outstanding choice there, along with Cambridge. Those are certainly much better choices for someone wanting to get into finance than Brunel or Westminster.

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