Dear All,
I am a Nigerian with about 15 years experience working in the oil and gas for one of the big International Oil Companies as a Project Practitioner (now a Project Manager). I intend to do a distance learning MBA with any of Manchester University or Imperial College. I have removed Warwick from the list for now. My aim is two-fold. First is to grow into senior management role in my company. Looking at people who have previously done MBAs, it doesn't seem like they are able to make this advancement for some organizational reasons (pls don't ask). That said, many of the companies are downsizing anyway, and some might even leave the country all together. So, before that happens, I want to be ready for a management role in other oil companies or change role altogether to work for companies like Amazon as they grow in UK and Europe.
Which of the two programme would you recommend and why?
[Edited by tuneski on Sep 23, 2021]