Bristol or Surrey


I have offers from Bristol Business School and Surrey for a MBA programme.

What would you recommend me and why?

Thanks a lot.


I have offers from Bristol Business School and Surrey for a MBA programme.

What would you recommend me and why?

Thanks a lot.


Did you apply to any other University?

Did you apply to any other University?

Actually yes, I'm applying to other universities but I'm still waiting for a response.

Could you tell me between these which is better?


Actually yes, I'm applying to other universities but I'm still waiting for a response.

Could you tell me between these which is better?


Hey dude Bristol and Surrey are reputed for their Science related programs.I never heard that their business schools are good.Maybe I don't know.That's why I asked whether you applied to any other program. I assume you applied MBA in Bristol and Surrey.

Hey dude Bristol and Surrey are reputed for their Science related programs.I never heard that their business schools are good.Maybe I don't know.That's why I asked whether you applied to any other program. I assume you applied MBA in Bristol and Surrey.

Yes I did apply to this MBA's

Yes I did apply to this MBA's

Have you accepted the offer???

I've got an offer from Surrey. Waiting for the offer letter.

Have you accepted the offer???

I've got an offer from Surrey. Waiting for the offer letter.


I received the offer but is not still at my home

I received the offer but is not still at my home

This is real quote from one of the students doing MBA at Surrey

I am currently doing MBA at Surrey, This university is not for MBA. Reasons
1) The course does not look like MBA, it is an Msc course with few additions, not over all development.
2) Absolutely 0 on career guidence, I mean there is 2-3 sessions from consultants on how to search for jobs, is that called career guidence or support
3) Difficult assessment, people get upset with the results for the effort put in.
4) Professors teach in the class, thats it, no other support at all, they are always busy.
5) The modules are not updated, if you look at them, they do not include the latest content such as CSR, or information management, no integration of modules.
6) you might end up in a big group of 8 people to do your course work, resulting in fights and no learning.
7) Please avoid this school. accrediation is not the criteria.

Let me be clear both are pretty decent universities but the business schools of both are very average. Bristol's economics, philosophy and English departments are very good and top civil servants, officials of UK tend to send their children to Bristol if they couldnt get into LSE or Oxbridge but the Bristol business school is a completely different story

For Surrey, it is in a nice are and some of the courses are good but still you better go elsewhere.

What I still want to know is what are the others schools that accept you and do you think Bristol and Surrey will be the best choice for your self.

If in doubt, you can still wait a bit and evaluate your options

This is real quote from one of the students doing MBA at Surrey

I am currently doing MBA at Surrey, This university is not for MBA. Reasons
1) The course does not look like MBA, it is an Msc course with few additions, not over all development.
2) Absolutely 0 on career guidence, I mean there is 2-3 sessions from consultants on how to search for jobs, is that called career guidence or support
3) Difficult assessment, people get upset with the results for the effort put in.
4) Professors teach in the class, thats it, no other support at all, they are always busy.
5) The modules are not updated, if you look at them, they do not include the latest content such as CSR, or information management, no integration of modules.
6) you might end up in a big group of 8 people to do your course work, resulting in fights and no learning.
7) Please avoid this school. accrediation is not the criteria.

Let me be clear both are pretty decent universities but the business schools of both are very average. Bristol's economics, philosophy and English departments are very good and top civil servants, officials of UK tend to send their children to Bristol if they couldnt get into LSE or Oxbridge but the Bristol business school is a completely different story

For Surrey, it is in a nice are and some of the courses are good but still you better go elsewhere.

What I still want to know is what are the others schools that accept you and do you think Bristol and Surrey will be the best choice for your self.

If in doubt, you can still wait a bit and evaluate your options


Thank you very much donho199.

At the moment I received an offer letter from Bradford MBA and I'm waiting the Birmingham response. Which of the would you recommend me?

Thank you very much donho199.

At the moment I received an offer letter from Bradford MBA and I'm waiting the Birmingham response. Which of the would you recommend me?

Bradford without a doubt, but also I strongly recommend you to apply to Aston and Lancaster and maybe Warwick, Cass as well.

Think very carefully before lavishing the cash the the youth. I really think that because we can only do MBA once in our life time and you have been admitted to Bradford which is firmly among top 10 in the UK.

Bradford without a doubt, but also I strongly recommend you to apply to Aston and Lancaster and maybe Warwick, Cass as well.

Think very carefully before lavishing the cash the the youth. I really think that because we can only do MBA once in our life time and you have been admitted to Bradford which is firmly among top 10 in the UK.


Hi Elio,

Congrats on your Bradford offer. How long did they take to send you an offer after you applied? I have also applied for the Bradford MBA but still awaiting their response.


Hi Elio,

Congrats on your Bradford offer. How long did they take to send you an offer after you applied? I have also applied for the Bradford MBA but still awaiting their response.


hi guys,
m planin to do MBA in UK but very confused which universty to select for MBA as i will b looking fot a job in media industry aft completing my mba...also planin to stay there atleast for a year if i get a chance so i can cover my loan...but the main concern is this all mba's r executive mba'(1 yr) does it have value in india and at wht level..also pls suggest me good universty for mba..thk u every 1..n all d best for ur careers

hi guys,
m planin to do MBA in UK but very confused which universty to select for MBA as i will b looking fot a job in media industry aft completing my mba...also planin to stay there atleast for a year if i get a chance so i can cover my loan...but the main concern is this all mba's r executive mba'(1 yr) does it have value in india and at wht level..also pls suggest me good universty for mba..thk u every 1..n all d best for ur careers

It seems some posters are confusing the University of Bristol and UWE in Bristol, which is where Bristol Business School is based.

University of Bristol is a very good university, but they do not offer MBAs. UWE is a very mediocre university, and their MBA ranks in the same league.

I suggest Surrey would be a better option.

It seems some posters are confusing the University of Bristol and UWE in Bristol, which is where Bristol Business School is based.

University of Bristol is a very good university, but they do not offer MBAs. UWE is a very mediocre university, and their MBA ranks in the same league.

I suggest Surrey would be a better option.

hey thnk u for ur rply

hey thnk u for ur rply

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