Minimum GMAT Score


I am an army officer with five years of work experience both in communications as an engineer and in combat. I would like to know about the GMAT score which i should be aiming for ? I have a good academic background. Higher the better but still...what is the GMAT cut off for average B Schools in Europe and US with good placements

[Edited by Dinesh21 on Sep 01, 2017]

I am an army officer with five years of work experience both in communications as an engineer and in combat. I would like to know about the GMAT score which i should be aiming for ? I have a good academic background. Higher the better but still...what is the GMAT cut off for average B Schools in Europe and US with good placements

See GMAT Tiers - strong schools for your GMAT

See GMAT Tiers - strong schools for your GMAT
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