work experience


Hi everyone,

I was was wondering how work experience is weighted for admissions? For example me, I have roughly 5 years experience in my family's businesses, which are far from being an international conglomerate, and some government work. Will this weigh against me or is it all in presentation? Thank you so much for your time.

Hi everyone,

I was was wondering how work experience is weighted for admissions? For example me, I have roughly 5 years experience in my family's businesses, which are far from being an international conglomerate, and some government work. Will this weigh against me or is it all in presentation? Thank you so much for your time.

Five years is good - typically business schools look at students with 2 to 3 years. But what kind of experience is it? If it's something business-related like accounting then that would be more relevant than flipping burgers in your family's restaurant.

Five years is good - typically business schools look at students with 2 to 3 years. But what kind of experience is it? If it's something business-related like accounting then that would be more relevant than flipping burgers in your family's restaurant.

Thanks! No, I actually manage our sugar production and trading business (glorified farmer), and I'm also handling marketing for a small retail venture with some family friends in Hong Kong, mainly distributing mid to upper-grade watches. What I guess I'm asking is, since I havent any big, international company work experience, will it be a hinderance for me? Thanks again.

Thanks! No, I actually manage our sugar production and trading business (glorified farmer), and I'm also handling marketing for a small retail venture with some family friends in Hong Kong, mainly distributing mid to upper-grade watches. What I guess I'm asking is, since I havent any big, international company work experience, will it be a hinderance for me? Thanks again.

I don't think so. The more hands-on, true business experience you have, the better, no matter where it is. Sounds like you've probably gotten some good experiences from your ventures, and I wouldn't be too worried about having big international experience.

I don't think so. The more hands-on, true business experience you have, the better, no matter where it is. Sounds like you've probably gotten some good experiences from your ventures, and I wouldn't be too worried about having big international experience.

Dear pepe,

Have you applied yet? I have a very similar situation as yours, I'd really like to know how things worked for you.

Also, I'm in a dilemma as to where do I get my recommendations from, since my supervisors are my family elders..

Dear pepe,

Have you applied yet? I have a very similar situation as yours, I'd really like to know how things worked for you.

Also, I'm in a dilemma as to where do I get my recommendations from, since my supervisors are my family elders..

Most of the good university do consider self employment or family business work experience but of-course it should be at a managerial level and would have given you some kind of exposure to business environment. in my case i do have my own business which i have been running in India since2004 and in 2008 i applied to Bradford MBA (which is in top 10 in the UK) and fortunately i got through. and now i have started an extension of my business in the UK after my MBA.
wish you all the best. do let me know if you need any help in admission in the UK. i do it as my hobby.

Most of the good university do consider self employment or family business work experience but of-course it should be at a managerial level and would have given you some kind of exposure to business environment. in my case i do have my own business which i have been running in India since2004 and in 2008 i applied to Bradford MBA (which is in top 10 in the UK) and fortunately i got through. and now i have started an extension of my business in the UK after my MBA.
wish you all the best. do let me know if you need any help in admission in the UK. i do it as my hobby.

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