Online MBA in clinical research/healthcare

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First of all, greetings to all users from Berlin!

I am a 30 years old doctor working full time as a clinical research physician. The job involves carrying out multiple clinical trial projects at a clinical centre level in a rapidly changing setting. I am managing a small team of doctors and nurses. Previously, I managed a small team in a medical affairs department in pharma industry.

I am discovering my leadership talent and desire to learn to handle bigger teams and projects. My goal is to climb the ladder towards medical manager/medical director positions in clinical research organisations/medical affairs departments. Another option for the future could be running my own research site.

While looking for an online MBA course in clinical research that is compatible with a full time job. I stumbled upon Rushford Business School.

Has anyone experience with this one or maybe other recommendations for me?

[Edited by behemoththecat on Aug 10, 2022]

First of all, greetings to all users from Berlin!<br>
I am a 30 years old doctor working full time as a clinical research physician. The job involves carrying out multiple clinical trial projects at a clinical centre level in a rapidly changing setting. I am managing a small team of doctors and nurses. Previously, I managed a small team in a medical affairs department in pharma industry.<br>
I am discovering my leadership talent and desire to learn to handle bigger teams and projects. My goal is to climb the ladder towards medical manager/medical director positions in clinical research organisations/medical affairs departments. Another option for the future could be running my own research site. <br>
While looking for an online MBA course in clinical research that is compatible with a full time job. I stumbled upon Rushford Business School.<br>
Has anyone experience with this one or maybe other recommendations for me?

Rushford is a non-university business without any higher education accreditation. MBAs are degrees in business, not in clinical research. If you want a masters in that, it will be a master of science or masters in research rather than an MBA. See: 

Rushford is a non-university business without any higher education accreditation. MBAs are degrees in business, not in clinical research. If you want a masters in that, it will be a master of science or masters in research rather than an MBA. See:;rlz=1C1ONGR_enGB1014GB1014&amp;sxsrf=ALiCzsaDtFOMBOCbBbIhROXB3jW9mlXyBQ%3A1660129960175&amp;ei=qJLzYuCsCtDOgQbtmJ2ADA&amp;ved=0ahUKEwjgoLqEkrz5AhVQZ8AKHW1MB8AQ4dUDCA4&amp;uact=5&amp;;gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BwgAEEcQsAM6BwgAELADEEM6CggAEOQCELADGAE6DwguENQCEMgDELADEEMYAjoECAAQQzoFCAAQgAQ6BggAEB4QFjoECAAQDToICAAQHhAIEA06BQgAEIYDOgUIIRCgAToECCEQFToICCEQHhAWEB1KBAhBGABKBAhGGAFQigNY4E1gtFFoBnABeACAAX-IAagNkgEEMTkuM5gBAKABAcgBEcABAdoBBggBEAEYCdoBBggCEAEYCA&amp;sclient=gws-wiz&nbsp;

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