MBA Programs with GMAT Score of 600



Can someone advise the colleges with GMAT Score of 600(Q47,V27) AWA 4.0 IR 8

Worked as a software engineer at Tata Consultancy Services and now working at Hewlett-Packard Enterprise with a total of 3 years experience (India).

Traveled to Gothenburg,Sweden for a month on work purpose.

GPA - 3.6 (Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering - Department topper for 2012)

Very good with academics from school days with 90% above.
Participated in state level debate competitions.

I want to pursue my MBA with specialization in Consulting and Technology field.

I browsed through some of the colleges like Mason School of Business and Eccles School of Business which suits my score range.

Kindly provide your input on my selection criterion and suggest some schools from US and Europe as well.

P.S: Planning to start MBA in 2017.


Can someone advise the colleges with GMAT Score of 600(Q47,V27) AWA 4.0 IR 8

Worked as a software engineer at Tata Consultancy Services and now working at Hewlett-Packard Enterprise with a total of 3 years experience (India).

Traveled to Gothenburg,Sweden for a month on work purpose.

GPA - 3.6 (Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering - Department topper for 2012)

Very good with academics from school days with 90% above.
Participated in state level debate competitions.

I want to pursue my MBA with specialization in Consulting and Technology field.

I browsed through some of the colleges like Mason School of Business and Eccles School of Business which suits my score range.

Kindly provide your input on my selection criterion and suggest some schools from US and Europe as well.

P.S: Planning to start MBA in 2017.

Try GMAT Tiers - strong schools for your GMAT
and Specialisations often don't matter

Try GMAT Tiers - strong schools for your GMAT
and Specialisations often don't matter

Hi Duncan,

Thanks for your quick reply.

Can you please provide your input on my chances at Mason School of Business and Eccles School of Business. ?

In Europe can I apply to Rotterdam ?

Thanks in advance...

Hi Duncan,

Thanks for your quick reply.

Can you please provide your input on my chances at Mason School of Business and Eccles School of Business. ?

In Europe can I apply to Rotterdam ?

Thanks in advance...


I think you can work that our yourself. If you need a personal response from me, please read my profile page.

I think you can work that our yourself. If you need a personal response from me, please read my profile page.
Inactive User

Both the Mason and Eccles programs are decent. All other things being equal, your GMAT score will put you at a disadvantage, even if you fall within the general mid-range of these schools' accepted MBAs.

This is why: you'll be compared to other applicants with similar backgrounds as you, namely those from India who have experience as software engineers - and that applicant class tends to have above-average GMAT scores.

RSM is also a good school, but post-MBA placements in the Netherlands will be challenging without Dutch language skills.

Both the Mason and Eccles programs are decent. All other things being equal, your GMAT score will put you at a disadvantage, even if you fall within the general mid-range of these schools' accepted MBAs.

This is why: you'll be compared to other applicants with similar backgrounds as you, namely those from India who have experience as software engineers - and that applicant class tends to have above-average GMAT scores.

RSM is also a good school, but post-MBA placements in the Netherlands will be challenging without Dutch language skills.


Thanks for your feedback. So could you suggest some other decent which i can apply for.. ?


Thanks for your feedback. So could you suggest some other decent which i can apply for.. ?
Inactive User


If you are interested in W&M MBA then I would encourage you to email Amanda Barth.

P.S - it would be difficult to get into consulting without a big brand school name. With your 600 GMAT getting into a big brand school will be tough. Have a realistic Plan B incase your Plan A of getting into Consulting doesn't work out.


If you are interested in W&M MBA then I would encourage you to email Amanda Barth.

P.S - it would be difficult to get into consulting without a big brand school name. With your 600 GMAT getting into a big brand school will be tough. Have a realistic Plan B incase your Plan A of getting into Consulting doesn't work out.

Hi Ayon,

Thanks for your input, Not exactly consulting but , i want to work for software firms again post MBA as i am currently working in the same industry. This is the reason i am interested in W&M and Mason School.
I was also looking for Opus College, Rawls business school and UT knoxville which suits my score range.. ?
Can you comment on my chance of getting admission at Eccles and suggest which of these is a decent program so that i can get job as soon as my MBA completed.. ?

Thanks in advance...

Hi Ayon,

Thanks for your input, Not exactly consulting but , i want to work for software firms again post MBA as i am currently working in the same industry. This is the reason i am interested in W&M and Mason School.
I was also looking for Opus College, Rawls business school and UT knoxville which suits my score range.. ?
Can you comment on my chance of getting admission at Eccles and suggest which of these is a decent program so that i can get job as soon as my MBA completed.. ?

Thanks in advance...


Can someone please tell me which university is better for MBA - Syracuse University or Case Western Reserve University?
I have received admits from both the universities.
I have a work experience of almost 4 years working with TCS.

Thanks in advance..


Can someone please tell me which university is better for MBA - Syracuse University or Case Western Reserve University?
I have received admits from both the universities.
I have a work experience of almost 4 years working with TCS.

Thanks in advance..

Hi Nichat,

May i know your gmat score.. ? If possible can you suggest some of the schools in US for GMAT 600.. ?


Hi Nichat,

May i know your gmat score.. ? If possible can you suggest some of the schools in US for GMAT 600.. ?


Try GMAT Tiers - strong schools for your GMAT

Try GMAT Tiers - strong schools for your GMAT

Hi Ajay,

My GMAT score is 600. Few schools which I would recommend are - Fordham University, Babson College, Northeastern University, Syracuse University, Case Western Reserve University.


[Edited by nichat on Apr 11, 2016]

Hi Ajay,

My GMAT score is 600. Few schools which I would recommend are - Fordham University, Babson College, Northeastern University, Syracuse University, Case Western Reserve University.


Hi Nichat,

Thanks for your reply. I am looking at Eccles school as well which falls in the same range. Do you have any info on the same.. ?


Hi Nichat,

Thanks for your reply. I am looking at Eccles school as well which falls in the same range. Do you have any info on the same.. ?


Try GMAT Tiers - strong schools for your GMAT

Hi Duncan,

Could you please provide feedback on EDHEC, ESSEC and MIP.

I am not familiar either with French or Italian but will learn if it is necessary for placements after MBA.

I am interested in specializing in Leadership.

Thanks in advance...


[quote]Try GMAT Tiers - strong schools for your GMAT
Hi Duncan,

Could you please provide feedback on EDHEC, ESSEC and MIP.

I am not familiar either with French or Italian but will learn if it is necessary for placements after MBA.

I am interested in specializing in Leadership.

Thanks in advance...


I can't add anything that you can't find my searching the board. Of course you will need to speak the language. I'm not really sure what you mean about leadership.

I can't add anything that you can't find my searching the board. Of course you will need to speak the language. I'm not really sure what you mean about leadership.
Inactive User

For those countries, yes, in general MBA-level positions will require business fluency in the local language. However, there are some exceptions, for instance if you landed an internationally-facing position with a multinational, or a firm that dealt exclusively with English-speaking clients, but these jobs tend to be rare.

... and it usually takes more than a year to gain that kind of language fluency -- especially if you're primarily focused on something else during that year (full-time studies, for instance...)

For those countries, yes, in general MBA-level positions will require business fluency in the local language. However, there are some exceptions, for instance if you landed an internationally-facing position with a multinational, or a firm that dealt exclusively with English-speaking clients, but these jobs tend to be rare.

... and it usually takes more than a year to gain that kind of language fluency -- especially if you're primarily focused on something else during that year (full-time studies, for instance...)

Thanks mba hipster.

Which one among ESSEC, EDHEC and MIP would be better for non residents in terms of job opportunities post MBA in Europe.. ?


Thanks mba hipster.

Which one among ESSEC, EDHEC and MIP would be better for non residents in terms of job opportunities post MBA in Europe.. ?


I guess this depends on whether you speak better French or Italian. EDHEC gets great salaries but MiP is slightly better at getting people into jobs quickly.

I guess this depends on whether you speak better French or Italian. EDHEC gets great salaries but MiP is slightly better at getting people into jobs quickly.

Hi Duncan,

Thanks for your input. As i am not familiar with any of the languages beside Salary and quick job after MBA could you please let me know where we can expect more number of jobs for only English speaking people.. ?
And which of these two countries will have flexible rules for non European people to get work permit easily.. ?


[Edited by NR16 on Apr 14, 2016]

Hi Duncan,

Thanks for your input. As i am not familiar with any of the languages beside Salary and quick job after MBA could you please let me know where we can expect more number of jobs for only English speaking people.. ?
And which of these two countries will have flexible rules for non European people to get work permit easily.. ?


I don't really think that either of these are very probably schools from which to find jobs that don't require the local language. I suggest you either change focus (for example, taken MSc in finance), learn the local language (best option, considering your background, would be to learn German and then take an MSc taught in German) or aim for a country where English is the business language.

I don't really think that either of these are very probably schools from which to find jobs that don't require the local language. I suggest you either change focus (for example, taken MSc in finance), learn the local language (best option, considering your background, would be to learn German and then take an MSc taught in German) or aim for a country where English is the business language.

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