Master in Finance or MBA

I am an early career professional with two years of work experience who wants a career in finance.

My dilemma is, whether to do a Master in Finance or an MBA. I know that I don't have much work experience for MBA programs but I hope that with my drive and great undergrad (3.9 GPA) + good GMAT score (760) I can get in. I am looking at MSF programs at Warwick, IE Business School, and Boston College, and MBA programs at Pittsburgh, WHU and Rutgers.

Any advice?

I am an early career professional with two years of work experience who wants a career in finance.

My dilemma is, whether to do a Master in Finance or an MBA. I know that I don't have much work experience for MBA programs but I hope that with my drive and great undergrad (3.9 GPA) + good GMAT score (760) I can get in. I am looking at MSF programs at Warwick, IE Business School, and Boston College, and MBA programs at Pittsburgh, WHU and Rutgers.

Any advice?

If you know for certain you want to stay in finance, then a master of finance is probably more appropriate. However, if you have any doubts, then an MBA would offer more flexibility after graduation.

I would narrow by region - pick where you want to work and then study in that place. As it is now, your choices are across many different regions.

If you know for certain you want to stay in finance, then a master of finance is probably more appropriate. However, if you have any doubts, then an MBA would offer more flexibility after graduation.

I would narrow by region - pick where you want to work and then study in that place. As it is now, your choices are across many different regions.

Thanks, maury. I was less concerned about region than I was reputation of the respective programs and placements. But you're right it's probably good to look more closely at where these schools are because I'll be spending one or two or even more years in that one place.

One more quick question, the MIT MFin: do you think I have any chance of getting in if I apply? That's my top pick but I have doubts about my profile.

Thanks, maury. I was less concerned about region than I was reputation of the respective programs and placements. But you're right it's probably good to look more closely at where these schools are because I'll be spending one or two or even more years in that one place.

One more quick question, the MIT MFin: do you think I have any chance of getting in if I apply? That's my top pick but I have doubts about my profile.

Hi, in my suggestion GPA 3.6, GMAT 700 is enough to get chance in MIT MFIN. So i think u will get a chance in that. Don't loose your confidence. All The Best. :)

Hi, in my suggestion GPA 3.6, GMAT 700 is enough to get chance in MIT MFIN. So i think u will get a chance in that. Don't loose your confidence. All The Best. :)
Inactive User

Thanks, maury. I was less concerned about region than I was reputation of the respective programs and placements. But you're right it's probably good to look more closely at where these schools are because I'll be spending one or two or even more years in that one place.

One more quick question, the MIT MFin: do you think I have any chance of getting in if I apply? That's my top pick but I have doubts about my profile.

Looks like your GMAT score is in the upper range of currently enrolled students:

And you're work experience isn't far outside of their average. I'd say you have a good chance.

[quote]Thanks, maury. I was less concerned about region than I was reputation of the respective programs and placements. But you're right it's probably good to look more closely at where these schools are because I'll be spending one or two or even more years in that one place.

One more quick question, the MIT MFin: do you think I have any chance of getting in if I apply? That's my top pick but I have doubts about my profile.[/quote]
Looks like your GMAT score is in the upper range of currently enrolled students:

And you're work experience isn't far outside of their average. I'd say you have a good chance.


Thanks for the reassurance. :)

Thanks for the reassurance. :)

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