Help needed on Energy related MBA selection

Hi to all,
I am approx. 13 years into the renewable energy sector (specifically solar) and now I want to advance my career to the next level by targeting a more senior management position and getting a more holistic approach to the energy sector.
Having said the above, I was thinking that a part-time MBA with energy focus would provide me with the needed knowledge. Do you have any proposals?

Thank you all for your support in advance,

Hi to all,
I am approx. 13 years into the renewable energy sector (specifically solar) and now I want to advance my career to the next level by targeting a more senior management position and getting a more holistic approach to the energy sector.
Having said the above, I was thinking that a part-time MBA with energy focus would provide me with the needed knowledge. Do you have any proposals?

Thank you all for your support in advance,

I don't think this is the right framing. If you are in the industry, a specialised degree will not give you more. Use LinkedIn to see which MBA programmes have the most alumni in the firms or industry you want to work in, in the country you want to work in. 

I don't think this is the right framing. If you are in the industry, a specialised degree will not give you more. Use LinkedIn to see which MBA programmes have the most alumni in the firms or industry you want to work in, in the country you want to work in. 

Thank you for your reply Stuart. 
I see your point and in fact this is something that I have already done and the results are somewhat mixed. 
Most of the people have highly reputable (E)MBAs or specialized  courses degrees. 
So I concluded that there are two paths, 
either an (E)MBA or multiple specialized courses degrees. 
After doing some research I shortlisted the 
1. WU Wien Energy Management MBA 
2. IMD General Management (with some silmutaneous Energy specialized courses)

Any thoughts? 

Thank you for your reply Stuart.&nbsp;<br>I see your point and in fact this is something that I have already done and the results are somewhat mixed.&nbsp;<br>Most of the people have highly reputable (E)MBAs or specialized&nbsp; courses degrees.&nbsp;<br>So I concluded that there are two paths,&nbsp;<br>either an (E)MBA or multiple specialized courses degrees.&nbsp;<br>After doing some research I shortlisted the&nbsp;<br>1. WU Wien Energy Management MBA&nbsp;<br>2. IMD General Management (with some silmutaneous Energy specialized courses)<br><br>Any thoughts?&nbsp;

Which of these schools has the best alumni base in your target employers? Does your IMD pathway give alumni status? If its too close to call, an MBA is better understood than an non-degree. 

Which of these schools has the best alumni base in your target employers? Does your IMD pathway give alumni status? If its too close to call, an MBA is better understood than an non-degree.&nbsp;
Suku suku

Hi Stuart!

Would you have suggestions for masters programs in Energy Management ( preferably UK,Canada,Europe)for someone who is transitioning from other profession?


Hi Stuart!<br><br>Would you have suggestions for masters programs in Energy Management ( preferably UK,Canada,Europe)for someone who is transitioning from other profession?<br><br>Thanks



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