Germany or Australia? Business Degree with future Prospects

Hello, I'm a student of Bs. Accounting & Finance in Pakistan and seek to do my MS (in management) abroad.
I have a budget of around $40,000 US Dollars. This includes tuition and living costs both. Although, I'm willing to work part time as per the rules and regulations of International Students. Moreover, my GPA is a bit low and as of now stands at 2.51. I've already given my IELTS and have 7 bands
In addition to that, I have some international internship experience and numerous other local/part time activities.

My actual question is that, in my budget...where should I go? After my degree, I'd like to work for an year or two within the same country. Hence, I shortlisted Australia and Germany as they provide the best aspects for work after degree. Again, Germany has the language issue and if I am going there, I'll do a basic language course of 2 or 3 months before actually flying to Germany. Which country should I opt for and why? Also, which universities do you think I should go to (and will get an admission too?)
Another side question, is too difficult to land a part time job without knowing German in Germany?

Hello, I'm a student of Bs. Accounting & Finance in Pakistan and seek to do my MS (in management) abroad.
I have a budget of around $40,000 US Dollars. This includes tuition and living costs both. Although, I'm willing to work part time as per the rules and regulations of International Students. Moreover, my GPA is a bit low and as of now stands at 2.51. I've already given my IELTS and have 7 bands
In addition to that, I have some international internship experience and numerous other local/part time activities.

My actual question is that, in my budget...where should I go? After my degree, I'd like to work for an year or two within the same country. Hence, I shortlisted Australia and Germany as they provide the best aspects for work after degree. Again, Germany has the language issue and if I am going there, I'll do a basic language course of 2 or 3 months before actually flying to Germany. Which country should I opt for and why? Also, which universities do you think I should go to (and will get an admission too?)
Another side question, is too difficult to land a part time job without knowing German in Germany?

I'm not sure what you mean when you say 'part-time work', but visa-wise you're only allowed to work very little while studying in Germany. On top of that, your work must be study-related (e.g. be an assistant or tutor at the University). The money you earn won't be enough to live of it.

Language-wise, 2-3 months for learning German is very, very short. I think the result will be close to zero. If you want to work in German after your degree, you must invest a lot more time. Whether you find a Job without German once you graduate will very much depend on what you want to work. Generally, not speaking German at all limits your chances significantly.

In terms of cost: Germany works in your favour because there are no tuition fees for public universities in Germany.

[Edited by Dan85 on May 15, 2017]

I'm not sure what you mean when you say 'part-time work', but visa-wise you're only allowed to work very little while studying in Germany. On top of that, your work must be study-related (e.g. be an assistant or tutor at the University). The money you earn won't be enough to live of it.

Language-wise, 2-3 months for learning German is very, very short. I think the result will be close to zero. If you want to work in German after your degree, you must invest a lot more time. Whether you find a Job without German once you graduate will very much depend on what you want to work. Generally, not speaking German at all limits your chances significantly.

In terms of cost: Germany works in your favour because there are no tuition fees for public universities in Germany.

Dan makes a great suggestion if your target is Germany. Don't pay for a private business school. Learn fluent German and attend a public university's MSc taught in German,

Dan makes a great suggestion if your target is Germany. Don't pay for a private business school. Learn fluent German and attend a public university's MSc taught in German,

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