Binghamton MBA Vs SDSU MBA


Hello Friends,

Thanks so much for your time :)

I am in international student(Indian) & have both admits.
Can you please let me know which will have better job prospects post MBA?
Binghamton MBA Vs SDSU MBA?

Also, can you please suggest other schools similar to SDSU ,SFSU (which have lower fees) ?


Hello Friends,

Thanks so much for your time :)

I am in international student(Indian) & have both admits.
Can you please let me know which will have better job prospects post MBA?
Binghamton MBA Vs SDSU MBA?

Also, can you please suggest other schools similar to SDSU ,SFSU (which have lower fees) ?


Read: Shortcut to find the best US MBA

Read: Shortcut to find the best US MBA

These are both solid, accredited schools. Binghamton probably has the edge in average post-MBA salaries.

According to Businessweek, SDSU has an average placement rate of 35 percent within three months of graduation. Assuming that's accurate, it's a bad sign.

What are your career goals? A ranked MBA program would give you much better career leverage, if you want to work in the US after graduating.

These are both solid, accredited schools. Binghamton probably has the edge in average post-MBA salaries.

According to Businessweek, SDSU has an average placement rate of 35 percent within three months of graduation. Assuming that's accurate, it's a bad sign.

What are your career goals? A ranked MBA program would give you much better career leverage, if you want to work in the US after graduating.

Hello EZRA,

Thanks a ton for your reply !

Yes, I am an international student and would like to work in the US post MBA at least to pay off my educational loan for sometime.

Also there is an update to the list.

I have to now choose between SFSU , SDSU and Binghamton.

So van you please help me with the same?

1.Where do I have better job prospects?
2.Internship opportunities?
3.If SFSU is closer to the Bay area does it really mean that I have better chances of connection ?

Please let me know your thoughts on this,

Thanks in advance :)

Warm Regards,

Hello EZRA,

Thanks a ton for your reply !

Yes, I am an international student and would like to work in the US post MBA at least to pay off my educational loan for sometime.

Also there is an update to the list.

I have to now choose between SFSU , SDSU and Binghamton.

So van you please help me with the same?

1.Where do I have better job prospects?
2.Internship opportunities?
3.If SFSU is closer to the Bay area does it really mean that I have better chances of connection ?

Please let me know your thoughts on this,

Thanks in advance :)

Warm Regards,

Hey, congratulations. I would ask SFSU about their post-MBA career placements, especially for international students, because they don't publish that information anywhere.

SFSU, location-wise, is probably better for networking than Binghampton. But see with the school if that is really the case. That 35 percent placement rate at UCSD is still a red flag for me.

Hey, congratulations. I would ask SFSU about their post-MBA career placements, especially for international students, because they don't publish that information anywhere.

SFSU, location-wise, is probably better for networking than Binghampton. But see with the school if that is really the case. That 35 percent placement rate at UCSD is still a red flag for me.

>> SFSU, location-wise, is probably better for networking than Binghampton

Understatement of the month.

>> SFSU, location-wise, is probably better for networking than Binghampton

Understatement of the month.

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