That is a question with a very long answer, which would take more time that I have to give away. The quality of a programme isn't only driven by the content, or by the connections of the programme. It subsists also in the quality of the students and the connections that the wider school and university has, both in terms of alumni and the university's corporate connections. The schools I suggest have a much higher quality of students, and the scale of these schools means that there will be more entrepreneurs there than in the UCL programme, even if they are more generic degree titles. LBS is good for businesses of all types, and I think that means it could be better place for a tech start-up: LBS has a well-resources incubator, a VC fund, an venture capital network, and one of the world's top entrepreneurship faculties (I think Business Week ranked LBS sixth world wide for entrepreneurship). Cass is, of course, right there at Old Street and is part of City University which has its own incubator there. The quality of students at ESCP may be even higher. So, I think all these programmes have serious assets. For me, the quality of students is crucial because we will benefit from setting up a business with other talented people.
That is a question with a very long answer, which would take more time that I have to give away. The quality of a programme isn't only driven by the content, or by the connections of the programme. It subsists also in the quality of the students and the connections that the wider school and university has, both in terms of alumni and the university's corporate connections. The schools I suggest have a much higher quality of students, and the scale of these schools means that there will be more entrepreneurs there than in the UCL programme, even if they are more generic degree titles. LBS is good for businesses of all types, and I think that means it could be better place for a tech start-up: LBS has a well-resources incubator, a VC fund, an venture capital network, and one of the world's top entrepreneurship faculties (I think Business Week ranked LBS sixth world wide for entrepreneurship). Cass is, of course, right there at Old Street and is part of City University which has its own incubator there. The quality of students at ESCP may be even higher. So, I think all these programmes have serious assets. For me, the quality of students is crucial because we will benefit from setting up a business with other talented people.