Are Luxury Management MBAs worth it?


I already have several years of experience in the design industry and would like to enquire whether an MBA in Luxury Management is actually worth it. My intention is to develop my knowledge and skills so that I can bring this into my studio and further develop it and make it grow more.

I'm asking since this is one of the less talked about MBA specializations and there's not so much info about it. What are the best schools in the US for this?

If anybody's currently enrolled in this program or has graduated with this specialization, I'd love to hear from you.

I already have several years of experience in the design industry and would like to enquire whether an MBA in Luxury Management is actually worth it. My intention is to develop my knowledge and skills so that I can bring this into my studio and further develop it and make it grow more.

I'm asking since this is one of the less talked about MBA specializations and there's not so much info about it. What are the best schools in the US for this?

If anybody's currently enrolled in this program or has graduated with this specialization, I'd love to hear from you.

Take a look at Luxury & Luxury Brand Management

Take a look at Luxury & Luxury Brand Management



Also Specialisations often don't matter

Also Specialisations often don't matter

Thank you, Duncan, this is all very helpful. I'd heard before this comment that specializations/concentrations don't really matter that much. It's interesting, because many schools make such a big deal of their specializations, but you can also often see that the amount of credits are the same whether you take a normal program or one with a specialization, so in a way you're forgoing general MBA knowledge in lieu of specialized courses that might not be that useful or applicable.

Thank you, Duncan, this is all very helpful. I'd heard before this comment that specializations/concentrations don't really matter that much. It's interesting, because many schools make such a big deal of their specializations, but you can also often see that the amount of credits are the same whether you take a normal program or one with a specialization, so in a way you're forgoing general MBA knowledge in lieu of specialized courses that might not be that useful or applicable.

Schools make a big deal of specializations because they want to recruit students. Generally, a specialization will mean that you take electives in that area, rather than giving up courses in the core. Sometimes there are hyper-specialised MBAs where, the core is specialised: for example, even the accounting classes discuss the accounts of luxury firms. However, no firm is going to hire MBAs if it doesn't want MBAs, just because they have a specialization. The key is to see what strategy is best for your goal. Maybe it's another degree, or a career coach, or a series of internships, or something else. The MBA isn't a key to every door.

Schools make a big deal of specializations because they want to recruit students. Generally, a specialization will mean that you take electives in that area, rather than giving up courses in the core. Sometimes there are hyper-specialised MBAs where, the core is specialised: for example, even the accounting classes discuss the accounts of luxury firms. However, no firm is going to hire MBAs if it doesn't want MBAs, just because they have a specialization. The key is to see what strategy is best for your goal. Maybe it's another degree, or a career coach, or a series of internships, or something else. The MBA isn't a key to every door.

Thanks again for the illuminating comment, Duncan. I'll keep all of this in mind the next weeks when deciding how I will approach this.

Thanks again for the illuminating comment, Duncan. I'll keep all of this in mind the next weeks when deciding how I will approach this.

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