Any guesses as to why several schools are reporting big increases in applications?


I've come across some posts online where people have claimed that the schools they've applied to have reported big increases in MBA applications this year (Kellogg, UVA, Ross), especially in the US it seems. It's most definitely too soon to tell, but I'm curious as to what the factors that explain this might be: global trends, etc. Any guesses or thoughts? I wouldn't think we're still seeing the effects of the pandemic receding.

[Edited by Sam_F on Mar 28, 2024]

I've come across some posts online where people have claimed that the schools they've applied to have reported big increases in MBA applications this year (Kellogg, UVA, Ross), especially in the US it seems. It's most definitely too soon to tell, but I'm curious as to what the factors that explain this might be: global trends, etc. Any guesses or thoughts? I wouldn't think we're still seeing the effects of the pandemic receding.

Considering the declines of recent years, any increase is probably to levels still below the recent past. See:

Considering the declines of recent years, any increase is probably to levels still below the recent past. See:

I guess the increase we're seeing is simply a regression to the mean more than any notable factor.

I guess the increase we're seeing is simply a regression to the mean more than any notable factor.

Considering the general market conditions, the opportunity cost of an MBA is low for people affected by layoffs or whose bonuses are low. So, it's reasonable to assume that some schools are meeting applicants for full-time MBAs who might otherwise have been planning to take an MBA later, or perhaps take a part-time MBA.

Considering the general market conditions, the opportunity cost of an MBA is low for people affected by layoffs or whose bonuses are low. So, it's reasonable to assume that some schools are meeting applicants for full-time MBAs who might otherwise have been planning to take an MBA later, or perhaps take a part-time MBA.

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