Warren Buffett on the MBA

Post MBA

A friend of mine was lucky enough to visit Warren Buffett in Omaha in November, 2006 with a group of MBA students.

One of the questions to Mr. Buffett was, "If you were a young man today would you do an MBA?"

His answer, "No."

He came back a moment later and added, "Not unless I could find Professors who could inspire me."


Full Disclosure: I am participating in the FIND MBA board as an excercise to provide an illustration for a segment I am teaching of the course "What the CEO wants you to know" at BMI www.barcelonami.org One of the readings for the segment is www.wired.com/wired/archive/15.04/wired40_ceo.html? Click on POST MBA for more biographical info.

A friend of mine was lucky enough to visit Warren Buffett in Omaha in November, 2006 with a group of MBA students.

One of the questions to Mr. Buffett was, "If you were a young man today would you do an MBA?"

His answer, "No."

He came back a moment later and added, "Not unless I could find Professors who could inspire me."


Full Disclosure: I am participating in the FIND MBA board as an excercise to provide an illustration for a segment I am teaching of the course "What the CEO wants you to know" at BMI www.barcelonami.org One of the readings for the segment is www.wired.com/wired/archive/15.04/wired40_ceo.html? Click on POST MBA for more biographical info.
Post MBA

Agree / Disagree with Buffett?

Agree / Disagree with Buffett?

A friend of mine also went to go see Warren Buffet in Omaha, during a trip: He's a 2nd year at Indiana's Kelley. I believe that Buffets wisdom is more profound than it appears, especially when one learns initially from Graham in addition to later having Charlie Munger, as a partner. But I credit him fully with this and other insights. In school, some Profs. will have a much more profound impact than others, and therefore those who seek to impart their very best ability to bring out the best in students now and in the future should should be ruthlessly sought. Aside from its pragmatic function(s) and goal(s), this is what school is really all about.

A friend of mine also went to go see Warren Buffet in Omaha, during a trip: He's a 2nd year at Indiana's Kelley. I believe that Buffets wisdom is more profound than it appears, especially when one learns initially from Graham in addition to later having Charlie Munger, as a partner. But I credit him fully with this and other insights. In school, some Profs. will have a much more profound impact than others, and therefore those who seek to impart their very best ability to bring out the best in students now and in the future should should be ruthlessly sought. Aside from its pragmatic function(s) and goal(s), this is what school is really all about.
Post MBA

Well put G3XL. Anyone else?

Well put G3XL. Anyone else?

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