MBA Spain


With good command of Spanish, yes. Then you need a work permit, which is not difficult to obtain in Spain.
Regarding the financial sector, Madrid is where you find most of the jobs, then it comes to Barcelona.

Good luck!

With good command of Spanish, yes. Then you need a work permit, which is not difficult to obtain in Spain.
Regarding the financial sector, Madrid is where you find most of the jobs, then it comes to Barcelona.

Good luck!

thanks a lot... will keep tht in mind

thanks a lot... will keep tht in mind

The job permit depends on where you are from I guess. I am from Israel, and what I know about Europe in general is that it is no prob to obtain a student visa - but it is all different about a working permit then.
Where do you come from Danny?

The job permit depends on where you are from I guess. I am from Israel, and what I know about Europe in general is that it is no prob to obtain a student visa - but it is all different about a working permit then.
Where do you come from Danny?

no I am not an eu citizen so i guess it would be different right? i get what you mean....

no I am not an eu citizen so i guess it would be different right? i get what you mean....

Full Disclosure: I am participating in the FIND MBA board as an excercise to provide an illustration for a segment I am teaching of the course "What the CEO wants you to know" at BMI

What's the class size at BMI? Who is actually running the school? I could not find any detailed information about the school on the website, just this general mission statement:

To Post MBA: I read some of your posts about BMI and WHU. Are you still teaching at BMI? I went through the faculty profiles and could not find anyone with your profile, nor could I find the course you mentioned. Just curious...

<blockquote>Full Disclosure: I am participating in the FIND MBA board as an excercise to provide an illustration for a segment I am teaching of the course "What the CEO wants you to know" at BMI</blockquote>

What's the class size at BMI? Who is actually running the school? I could not find any detailed information about the school on the website, just this general mission statement:

To Post MBA: I read some of your posts about BMI and WHU. Are you still teaching at BMI? I went through the faculty profiles and could not find anyone with your profile, nor could I find the course you mentioned. Just curious...

Who is Platt Mitchel??
It appears as the Administrator and the sole shareholder of Barcelona Management Institute, S.L., created 2 years ago.

Who is Platt Mitchel??
It appears as the Administrator and the sole shareholder of Barcelona Management Institute, S.L., created 2 years ago.
MBA Bound

Hello forum posters!
I am looking into possibly working with my current employer at their office in Barcelona and going to school part time for an MBA.

A few schools raised peeked my interest

Barcelona Business School
European University- Barcelona

These Universities have not been mentioned on this post and from my research I could tell that they were not accredited. Can anyone please share their insight into these schools and their Graduate programs.

Secondly, any view son the part time program vs. the full time? Is one easier, better etc...

I currently work for a Global Logistics company but I would be interested in seeking an MBA or Master of International Management.

Thank you.

Hello forum posters!
I am looking into possibly working with my current employer at their office in Barcelona and going to school part time for an MBA.

A few schools raised peeked my interest

Barcelona Business School
European University- Barcelona

These Universities have not been mentioned on this post and from my research I could tell that they were not accredited. Can anyone please share their insight into these schools and their Graduate programs.

Secondly, any view son the part time program vs. the full time? Is one easier, better etc...

I currently work for a Global Logistics company but I would be interested in seeking an MBA or Master of International Management.

Thank you.

MBA bound --

I vaguely remember hearing not-so positive things about those schools.. although people on these forums seem to have very high standards.

Here is a repost of something I posted before here:

This is a recap of what I gathered from other posts:

Top tier schools:

Ranked but slightly less prestigious:

Legit, accredited schools that are decent:
Carlos III
Pompeu Fabra aka UPF (I wasn't able to find much info on their Web site about the MBA -- partly because of a broken link). :: correction, UPF doesn't have accredidation::

Lesser known/fledgling programs:
European School of Management and Technology

These might actually be scams:
BBS, aka Barcelona Business School (although some defended it)
Schiller International Uni. (sounds especially shady)

for you, Pompeu Fabra might be a good choice because it's a well reputed, large university, and is state-funded so it's not too expensive. And it's in Barcelona (otherwise I might go with Carlos III Madrid, which has AMBA accrediation.) While UPF is not so well known for its business school it still has a good university brand overall.

UPF/Pompeu Fabra, at least in these forums, seems to be the most well-known for its MBA program among the public universities in Barcelona. However, here are some other public schools in or near Barcelona that might be worth looking into.. I don't think any of these offer an "MBA" but all have other business-related masters programs:

UB: Universidat de Barcelona
UAB: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (This one has some programs in English, for sure.)
UPC: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

I think with a public university you can expect at least a basic level of quality because they have to adhere to certain government standards. When considering private schools I would be very careful, they could be excellent or a rip off! You must do your research.

MBA bound --

I vaguely remember hearing not-so positive things about those schools.. although people on these forums seem to have very high standards.

Here is a repost of something I posted before here:

This is a recap of what I gathered from other posts:

Top tier schools:

Ranked but slightly less prestigious:

Legit, accredited schools that are decent:
Carlos III
Pompeu Fabra aka UPF (I wasn't able to find much info on their Web site about the MBA -- partly because of a broken link). :: correction, UPF doesn't have accredidation::

Lesser known/fledgling programs:
European School of Management and Technology

These might actually be scams:
BBS, aka Barcelona Business School (although some defended it)
Schiller International Uni. (sounds especially shady)

for you, Pompeu Fabra might be a good choice because it's a well reputed, large university, and is state-funded so it's not too expensive. And it's in Barcelona (otherwise I might go with Carlos III Madrid, which has AMBA accrediation.) While UPF is not so well known for its business school it still has a good university brand overall.

UPF/Pompeu Fabra, at least in these forums, seems to be the most well-known for its MBA program among the public universities in Barcelona. However, here are some other public schools in or near Barcelona that might be worth looking into.. I don't think any of these offer an "MBA" but all have other business-related masters programs:

UB: Universidat de Barcelona
UAB: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (This one has some programs in English, for sure.)
UPC: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

I think with a public university you can expect at least a basic level of quality because they have to adhere to certain government standards. When considering private schools I would be very careful, they could be excellent or a rip off! You must do your research.

with Unemployment rate is hovering around ~20%.

Why you even thinking of going to Spain for an MBA ?

I'm just curious. Because in post-MBA, assume the economy is out of recession, the employers there will choose Spaniards over non-spaniards (or non-EU citizen).

I'm not saying that MBA in spain is not a good option, but it seems that the unemployment rate in spain (and the rest of europe) doesn't give enough confidence to seek jobs in Europe in the next 5 years.

with Unemployment rate is hovering around ~20%.

Why you even thinking of going to Spain for an MBA ?

I'm just curious. Because in post-MBA, assume the economy is out of recession, the employers there will choose Spaniards over non-spaniards (or non-EU citizen).

I'm not saying that MBA in spain is not a good option, but it seems that the unemployment rate in spain (and the rest of europe) doesn't give enough confidence to seek jobs in Europe in the next 5 years.

Rhino --

I'm sure everyone has different reasons for going to Spain; especially since we're all coming from different regions of the world. I'm American, want to get an MBA, want to improve my Spanish, and would like to live and work in Europe. There is only one Europe! So, whether or not the job market is good right now, what difference does that make? I could wait to get my MBA and delay the next stage of my career. I don't think that would be a good decision. I could get an MBA in a growing market like China, but I have no interest in living in China. Why would I do that?

I think those of us looking to pursue MBAs are successful, capable people who can make the most of the situation they're given. Plus compared to the U.S., the European economy is supposedly looking better right now. Spain is among those suffering the most, but it is still basically a lateral move coming from the U.S., not worse. (Especially since I live and work in one of the most depressed parts of the U.S... ) Sure, it will be harder to find a job there as a foreigner. But it's a challenge I'm willing to face. I don't expect to fail, but if for some reason I do I am confident I'd have no problem finding a job if I returned to the U.S.

I would never make such a big life decision based on statistics and mass generalizations. I am an exception, because I make myself one.

Rhino --

I'm sure everyone has different reasons for going to Spain; especially since we're all coming from different regions of the world. I'm American, want to get an MBA, want to improve my Spanish, and would like to live and work in Europe. There is only one Europe! So, whether or not the job market is good right now, what difference does that make? I could wait to get my MBA and delay the next stage of my career. I don't think that would be a good decision. I could get an MBA in a growing market like China, but I have no interest in living in China. Why would I do that?

I think those of us looking to pursue MBAs are successful, capable people who can make the most of the situation they're given. Plus compared to the U.S., the European economy is supposedly looking better right now. Spain is among those suffering the most, but it is still basically a lateral move coming from the U.S., not worse. (Especially since I live and work in one of the most depressed parts of the U.S... ) Sure, it will be harder to find a job there as a foreigner. But it's a challenge I'm willing to face. I don't expect to fail, but if for some reason I do I am confident I'd have no problem finding a job if I returned to the U.S.

I would never make such a big life decision based on statistics and mass generalizations. I am an exception, because I make myself one.

I completely agree with Sally. I'm also American and considering European schools, but working in the school's country is almost a second thought. In fact, I will probably return to the U.S. after school, and am pretty sure that recruiters here will look fondly upon the international experience I'll have gained by completing a European program.

I completely agree with Sally. I'm also American and considering European schools, but working in the school's country is almost a second thought. In fact, I will probably return to the U.S. after school, and am pretty sure that recruiters here will look fondly upon the international experience I'll have gained by completing a European program.


Anybody would have anything to say about EEN (escuela europea de negocios) or EUDE ( business school from Universidad Complutense de Madrid). Probably they are not that prestigious but the price is more reasonable.
Would you recomend at all any of this two?
I am actully interested because the offer Online MBAs.



Anybody would have anything to say about EEN (escuela europea de negocios) or EUDE ( business school from Universidad Complutense de Madrid). Probably they are not that prestigious but the price is more reasonable.
Would you recomend at all any of this two?
I am actully interested because the offer Online MBAs.


EUDE does not belong to Complutense University, is totally unrelated in fact.

The MBA from Complutense is something kinda new and you can find the official page here:

Anyway both MBAs you mention are not considered top in Spain.

EUDE does not belong to Complutense University, is totally unrelated in fact.

The MBA from Complutense is something kinda new and you can find the official page here:

Anyway both MBAs you mention are not considered top in Spain.

Thanks for your replay.

Do you have any information about La Salle (Universitat Ramon Llull?
I think it looks interesting.

I am also a bit confused about the different between
- Fulltime MBA
-International MBA and
- Executive MBA

Could you help me?

Thanks for your replay.

Do you have any information about La Salle (Universitat Ramon Llull?
I think it looks interesting.

I am also a bit confused about the different between
- Fulltime MBA
-International MBA and
- Executive MBA

Could you help me?

Excuse me Toto, but MBA of EUDE is really a MBA of Universidad Complutense de Madrid, because:

EUDE is a business school of Real Centro Universitario María Cristina:

Real Centro Universitario María Cristina is a part of University Complutense de Madrid:

Best regards,


Excuse me Toto, but MBA of EUDE is really a MBA of Universidad Complutense de Madrid, because:

EUDE is a business school of Real Centro Universitario María Cristina:

Real Centro Universitario María Cristina is a part of University Complutense de Madrid:

Best regards,


The "official" MBA from University of Complutense is not EUDE, is the one I've put in the previous message.

The "official" MBA from University of Complutense is not EUDE, is the one I've put in the previous message.

Hi everyone,

I was very happy to see the post of Duncan about ESERP, because I was about to do this MBA when I saw that they didn't have international accreditation. Then I went looking for the other mentioned courses: UPF and Carlos.

Well, Carlos is Madrid, which makes it impossible to me as I live and work in Barcelona (and the whole idea of doing a part-time MBA is to continue working). And UPF's fees are far from ?10,000, they're almost ?25,000.

I was wondering if someone could refer a MBA to me that costs max. ?15,000 and has international accreditation (mainly considering Europe), it could be online or in Barcelona. I hope I'm not looking for the impossible combination...

Thanks anyway for your help!


Hi everyone,

I was very happy to see the post of Duncan about ESERP, because I was about to do this MBA when I saw that they didn't have international accreditation. Then I went looking for the other mentioned courses: UPF and Carlos.

Well, Carlos is Madrid, which makes it impossible to me as I live and work in Barcelona (and the whole idea of doing a part-time MBA is to continue working). And UPF's fees are far from ?10,000, they're almost ?25,000.

I was wondering if someone could refer a MBA to me that costs max. ?15,000 and has international accreditation (mainly considering Europe), it could be online or in Barcelona. I hope I'm not looking for the impossible combination...

Thanks anyway for your help!


Hi everyone,

I was very happy to see the post of Duncan about ESERP, because I was about to do this MBA when I saw that they didn't have international accreditation. Then I went looking for the other mentioned courses: UPF and Carlos.

Well, Carlos is Madrid, which makes it impossible to me as I live and work in Barcelona (and the whole idea of doing a part-time MBA is to continue working). And UPF's fees are far from ?10,000, they're almost ?25,000.

I was wondering if someone could refer a MBA to me that costs max. ?15,000 and has international accreditation (mainly considering Europe), it could be online or in Barcelona. I hope I'm not looking for the impossible combination...

Thanks anyway for your help!


Hello Priscila,

Probably in my opinion you are looking for the impossible combination, although you never know!

I remember vaguely the University of Barcelona offered an executive part time mba for about 7000? at its continuing education department, and eventhough it might not be accredited by the main MBA accreditors, the diploma will probably be an official university "master" diploma from a public accredited university. So at least employers will know it is a real diploma from a real university and not some scam. It should be somewhere on their website. Similar for UAB or politecnic.

edit: just found it, i have no idea if it is any good though:

<blockquote>Hi everyone,

I was very happy to see the post of Duncan about ESERP, because I was about to do this MBA when I saw that they didn't have international accreditation. Then I went looking for the other mentioned courses: UPF and Carlos.

Well, Carlos is Madrid, which makes it impossible to me as I live and work in Barcelona (and the whole idea of doing a part-time MBA is to continue working). And UPF's fees are far from ?10,000, they're almost ?25,000.

I was wondering if someone could refer a MBA to me that costs max. ?15,000 and has international accreditation (mainly considering Europe), it could be online or in Barcelona. I hope I'm not looking for the impossible combination...

Thanks anyway for your help!


Hello Priscila,

Probably in my opinion you are looking for the impossible combination, although you never know!

I remember vaguely the University of Barcelona offered an executive part time mba for about 7000? at its continuing education department, and eventhough it might not be accredited by the main MBA accreditors, the diploma will probably be an official university "master" diploma from a public accredited university. So at least employers will know it is a real diploma from a real university and not some scam. It should be somewhere on their website. Similar for UAB or politecnic.

edit: just found it, i have no idea if it is any good though:

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