HEC PARIS :Msc Data Science for Business


Hey guys,

Does anyone have any idea about the quality of the msc data science for business course at HEC. I can't really find much info about it online other than the website. It doesn't feature in the rankings for data science & business analytics either. It's a relatively new course afaik.

Hey guys,

Does anyone have any idea about the quality of the msc data science for business course at HEC. I can't really find much info about it online other than the website. It doesn't feature in the rankings for data science & business analytics either. It's a relatively new course afaik.
Inactive User

Are you talking about the school's joint MSc with Ecole Polytechnique? It's fairly new - I think it launched in 2016 or 2017.

I don't think there is any publication that ranks MSc programs in Analytics. Usually a good proxy for the strength of a specialized MSc program is how well the school does in the FT's Master in Management ranking. And as you may know HEC Paris is quite strong in this regard. It's hard to go wrong with the school in general.

That said, you have numerous options, the analytics / data science space really has a glut of offerings from many, many schools. What are your goals?

Are you talking about the school's joint MSc with Ecole Polytechnique? It's fairly new - I think it launched in 2016 or 2017.

I don't think there is any publication that ranks MSc programs in Analytics. Usually a good proxy for the strength of a specialized MSc program is how well the school does in the FT's Master in Management ranking. And as you may know HEC Paris is quite strong in this regard. It's hard to go wrong with the school in general.

That said, you have numerous options, the analytics / data science space really has a glut of offerings from many, many schools. What are your goals?


Also interested in the data science degree at HEC. Does it matter that it's new?

Also interested in the data science degree at HEC. Does it matter that it's new?

New programmes can be rocky, and schools often find degrees have a strong supply of students but no employer demand, as was the case with the Purdue Stem MBA. With this HEC degree, given the strong quant training of French MiM and grandes écoles, is there demand for quants who can't work in French?

New programmes can be rocky, and schools often find degrees have a strong supply of students but no employer demand, as was the case with the Purdue Stem MBA. With this HEC degree, given the strong quant training of French MiM and grandes écoles, is there demand for quants who can't work in French?

Also interested in the data science degree at HEC. Does it matter that it's new?

What would your goals be with this degree? I wouldn't worry that it's new, so to speak, in that it's offered by HEC Paris, which is one of the strongest business schools in the country. But it's probably more important to know what you want to do with a degree like this, because for various career goals, there might be better options. A friend of mine was looking at data science degrees but in the end opted for IE's Master in Finance, because he figured this aligned better with his specific carer goals.

[quote]Also interested in the data science degree at HEC. Does it matter that it's new?[/quote]
What would your goals be with this degree? I wouldn't worry that it's new, so to speak, in that it's offered by HEC Paris, which is one of the strongest business schools in the country. But it's probably more important to know what you want to do with a degree like this, because for various career goals, there might be better options. A friend of mine was looking at data science degrees but in the end opted for IE's Master in Finance, because he figured this aligned better with his specific carer goals.

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