You seem to know well MBA programs offered at academic institutions/universities/business schools in France. What should one be aware of to ensure the degree awarded is a real master´s degree? What matters most, that the school is accredited by the Ministry of Education (government/ state) to award degrees or that the program and the degree are accredited by the MoE? Does that mean that the university degrees are in fact not degrees, only university diplomas? Do these have any value in the job market in France and elsewhere in Europe?

Someone asked me that, and I replied:

Academic degrees in France can be issued only by the state. Every school is accredited by the state (elementary schools, cooking schools etc) but only the state can issue academic degrees (Licence, Master and Doctorat). Ask for a picture of the degree certificate. It's easy to see if it says Republique Francaise. That means most graduates of French universities get degrees issued by the Republic.

Courses at French universities can lead to:

- Academic degrees, issued by the French state. This will be 99% of what is awarded after a French university course.

- University diplomas or certificates. These are non-degree qualifications. For example

- Professional qualifications corresponding to the RNCP. These might be referred to as vocational degrees but they are not academic degrees. A good example is the qualifications issued by the College de Paris.

- Other qualifications with international accreditation. For example, some schools are accredited by the AACSB or might have US regional accreditation. They can issue degrees, which WES would recognise as an academic degree.

[Edited by Duncan on May 08, 2023]