MBA shipping and logistics management

hi my name is honey,

I am from India,

I am currently sailing as a junior engineer on board the ship and wish to pursue MBA in shipping and logistics management. Can anyone please guide me if the course offered by university of tasmania any good in terms of placements. And if the same course is offered by more renowned university across the globe.

hi my name is honey,

I am from India,

I am currently sailing as a junior engineer on board the ship and wish to pursue MBA in shipping and logistics management. Can anyone please guide me if the course offered by university of tasmania any good in terms of placements. And if the same course is offered by more renowned university across the globe.

Try this: How to use LinkedIn to find the best school

Try this: How to use LinkedIn to find the best school

Considering your current profession, occupation and desired subject focus, perhaps you may want to have a look at this programme offered by the Middlesex University.

I do not know in detail, just I know the programme name and it came to my mind when I read your post. That said, please follow Duncan's advice and exploit Linkedin. It is a great source of information based on real careers.


[Edited by sts on Jan 05, 2015]

Considering your current profession, occupation and desired subject focus, perhaps you may want to have a look at this programme offered by the Middlesex University.

I do not know in detail, just I know the programme name and it came to my mind when I read your post. That said, please follow Duncan's advice and exploit Linkedin. It is a great source of information based on real careers.


I think a well-known business school will have better placement. Look at specialist MSc degrees as well, like at the Cass school at City University and at Rotterdam. See also

I think a well-known business school will have better placement. Look at specialist MSc degrees as well, like at the Cass school at City University and at Rotterdam. See also

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