Australia vs. Canada


Hey guys, how is doing an MBA in Australia compared to one in Canada? Not only classroom experience, tests, internship opportunities, but more importantly, job prospects in the countries after the MBA. I'm interested in living and working abroad and maybe even trying to go for permanent residency.

Hey guys, how is doing an MBA in Australia compared to one in Canada? Not only classroom experience, tests, internship opportunities, but more importantly, job prospects in the countries after the MBA. I'm interested in living and working abroad and maybe even trying to go for permanent residency.
Inactive User

Your approach to MBA program selection could be better. Instead of using MBA as an immigration tool, use Aus/Can's immigration as an immigration tool. Evaluate both countries and decide where do you want to live and work.
Once decided explore point based residency and after you get one, then apply to MBA programs in that country.

Your approach to MBA program selection could be better. Instead of using MBA as an immigration tool, use Aus/Can's immigration as an immigration tool. Evaluate both countries and decide where do you want to live and work.
Once decided explore point based residency and after you get one, then apply to MBA programs in that country.
Inactive User

Also, what are your goals in terms of sectors and organizations where you'd like to work?

Also, what are your goals in terms of sectors and organizations where you'd like to work?

Your approach to MBA program selection could be better. Instead of using MBA as an immigration tool, use Aus/Can's immigration as an immigration tool. Evaluate both countries and decide where do you want to live and work.
Once decided explore point based residency and after you get one, then apply to MBA programs in that country.

Thank you for the advice. I will look at each country's immigration issues before making up my mind.

Also, what are your goals in terms of sectors and organizations where you'd like to work?

I am not certain yet. I have been working in retail but I would use the MBA to maybe think about another sector such as technology or even consulting.

[quote]Your approach to MBA program selection could be better. Instead of using MBA as an immigration tool, use Aus/Can's immigration as an immigration tool. Evaluate both countries and decide where do you want to live and work.
Once decided explore point based residency and after you get one, then apply to MBA programs in that country. [/quote]
Thank you for the advice. I will look at each country's immigration issues before making up my mind.

[quote]Also, what are your goals in terms of sectors and organizations where you'd like to work?[/quote]
I am not certain yet. I have been working in retail but I would use the MBA to maybe think about another sector such as technology or even consulting.

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