MBA admission after 7yrs work experience

I have around 7 yrs of workex and currently working in Mumbai, India. My job profile is payroll specialist. I would like to pursue my master's in business from UK. I have selected UK mainly because they have now started offering 2yrs post study visa. What will be the job opportunities for the person like me with 7 yrs of workex. My ultimate goal is to get a Tier 2 visa. Any insights would be helpful.

I have around 7 yrs of workex and currently working in Mumbai, India. My job profile is payroll specialist. I would like to pursue my master's in business from UK. I have selected UK mainly because they have now started offering 2yrs post study visa. What will be the job opportunities for the person like me with 7 yrs of workex. My ultimate goal is to get a Tier 2 visa. Any insights would be helpful.

What sort of career goals do you have? If you want to work in accounting or payroll, an accounting degree will be a great tool. 

What sort of career goals do you have? If you want to work in accounting or payroll, an accounting degree will be a great tool. 

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