Lancaster MBA and Loughborough MBA with internship



I am an International student, have got an offer for the MBA program on this Sep-Oct 2015 from Lancaster MBA and Loughborough MBA with internship ... and i am in the state of unable to make any decision

Both are great triple accredited business school !!

-- Lboro attracted me with their internship program, and a good connection with the industry.
-- Lancaster maintained longer reputation in business school, and given a bit higher ranking in some university table.

Any thought on this would be very much appreciated


I am an International student, have got an offer for the MBA program on this Sep-Oct 2015 from Lancaster MBA and Loughborough MBA with internship ... and i am in the state of unable to make any decision

Both are great triple accredited business school !!

-- Lboro attracted me with their internship program, and a good connection with the industry.
-- Lancaster maintained longer reputation in business school, and given a bit higher ranking in some university table.

Any thought on this would be very much appreciated

Search the board for Loughborough internship

Does Loughborough really have great connections with industry?!?

Search the board for Loughborough internship

Does Loughborough really have great connections with industry?!?

LUMS is a better school than Lboro both in terms of rankings and course content.

Check the alumni of both schools on LinkedIn.. LUMS also offer much wider network in comparison to Lboro..

LUMS is a better school than Lboro both in terms of rankings and course content.

Check the alumni of both schools on LinkedIn.. LUMS also offer much wider network in comparison to Lboro..

Hi Duncan and Japmonk,

thank you for your commend, definitely i will need to do more search on Lboro internship board.

From what i have read, Lboro seems to have a good connection wt several company, dont know if its true.

Hi Duncan and Japmonk,

thank you for your commend, definitely i will need to do more search on Lboro internship board.

From what i have read, Lboro seems to have a good connection wt several company, dont know if its true.

Hi Athen,

Do you have any idea whether it's a paid or unpaid internship in Lboro as I havent found much information on the same.

Hi Athen,

Do you have any idea whether it's a paid or unpaid internship in Lboro as I havent found much information on the same.

You have to find your own, but that's really up to you. My guess it that you will get at least the minimum wage - if you can find one.

You have to find your own, but that's really up to you. My guess it that you will get at least the minimum wage - if you can find one.

Hi John,

Duncan was right, we have to find our own on the internship and from what i have heard most of the found one are unpaid.

Hi John,

Duncan was right, we have to find our own on the internship and from what i have heard most of the found one are unpaid.
Inactive User

Loughborough's director of MBA placements was around here not too long ago answering questions about the school's internship:

Maybe you should ask her?

Loughborough's director of MBA placements was around here not too long ago answering questions about the school's internship:

Maybe you should ask her?

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