Hi there,
I started the Durham Online MBA in October '19, so I am pretty new to it myself. I am pleased with it so far: I've gone to Durham for a lecture week and met other students from a number of different cohorts, which has already helped me to increase my network, I've participated in online case study analyses, and I have been pleasantly surprised by the quality of the lecturers. It is also pleasing to see Durham rising markedly over the past couple of years in both the FT and The Economist full-time MBA rankings.
In terms of the course itself, it does perhaps seem more academic than some other courses, as other posters on here have pointed-out previously. That said, the university is trying to be forward-thinking with regard to online learning, and is launching an online case study analysis competition and now has regular online case study analysis sessions. The modular nature of the MBA was one of the big attractions for me, as was its breadth and international dimension (there are opportunities to go abroad to Silicon Valley, China and elsewhere for projects).
I am yet to complete an online module (you have the option of attending lectures in Durham for a week or completing a module online), so cannot provide any comment on that. My cohort is international, although a decent proportion of students are based in the UK; the ones I have met range in age from their early 30s to mid- 40s. I have also found the staff to be extremely helpful, when I have had any issues. Overall, I'm quite happy with Durham's Online MBA so far.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.