Low GMAT with Translation Studies BA


Hello everyone,
I studied Translation and Interpreting Studies in Turkey (GPA 3.58/4.0) and worked as a project manager in an international translation company (3 years). I moved in Chicago last year since my husband got accepted for a PhD.
I want to apply for MBA programs in Chicago. I took GMAT and could only score 550 (Q39, V26, AWA 5.5, IR4) Funny thing is my verbal score is very low even though I have a linguistics background. I guess it is because I was too stressful and lost towards the end of the exam. My quant score is also not very promising but it is understandable when my background is considered.
I will take TOEFL next week. I don’t expect a low score because reading passages are quite easier than verbal section of GMAT and I am confident in writing, speaking and listening sections.
I am planning to try Loyola and DePaul in Chicago. Do you think that I have a chance with 550 GMAT score? Would my extraordinary background and industry preference (I want to stay in localization industry & marketing) be an advantage or disadvantage?

Thanks in advance!

Hello everyone,
I studied Translation and Interpreting Studies in Turkey (GPA 3.58/4.0) and worked as a project manager in an international translation company (3 years). I moved in Chicago last year since my husband got accepted for a PhD.
I want to apply for MBA programs in Chicago. I took GMAT and could only score 550 (Q39, V26, AWA 5.5, IR4) Funny thing is my verbal score is very low even though I have a linguistics background. I guess it is because I was too stressful and lost towards the end of the exam. My quant score is also not very promising but it is understandable when my background is considered.
I will take TOEFL next week. I don’t expect a low score because reading passages are quite easier than verbal section of GMAT and I am confident in writing, speaking and listening sections.
I am planning to try Loyola and DePaul in Chicago. Do you think that I have a chance with 550 GMAT score? Would my extraordinary background and industry preference (I want to stay in localization industry & marketing) be an advantage or disadvantage?

Thanks in advance!

I can't see any reason to not retake the GMAT after more practice. You should be taking enough practise tests so that you are not thinking about your tempo or timing, but about the questions. Certainly apply, and ideally meet the school face to face so they can assess you informally, but make it clear that you are very happy to retake.

I can't see any reason to not retake the GMAT after more practice. You should be taking enough practise tests so that you are not thinking about your tempo or timing, but about the questions. Certainly apply, and ideally meet the school face to face so they can assess you informally, but make it clear that you are very happy to retake.

Would my extraordinary background and industry preference (I want to stay in localization industry & marketing) be an advantage or disadvantage?

Your career goals are one thing but your lower work experience -- DePaul students' average work experience tends to be in the 5 year range -- puts you at somewhat of a disadvantage at that school.

With this in mind, you should to make the other parts of your application stronger than the average, and this includes your GMAT score. Since the average GMAT at DePaul tends to be in the 620 range, you have some work to do.

[quote]Would my extraordinary background and industry preference (I want to stay in localization industry & marketing) be an advantage or disadvantage?[/quote]
Your career goals are one thing but your lower work experience -- DePaul students' average work experience tends to be in the 5 year range -- puts you at somewhat of a disadvantage at that school.

With this in mind, you should to make the other parts of your application stronger than the average, and this includes your GMAT score. Since the average GMAT at DePaul tends to be in the 620 range, you have some work to do.

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