MBA in an uncredited school not worth pursuing?


Just how important is triple accreditation or even a single one? Would studying in an uncredited school not offer much of a return on investment in the long term, or does this vary depending on the country/industry? I've been working in the tech industry and would like to further my career there, but I can't relocate, unfortunately. Where I live, the two options I have are uncreddited.

Just how important is triple accreditation or even a single one? Would studying in an uncredited school not offer much of a return on investment in the long term, or does this vary depending on the country/industry? I've been working in the tech industry and would like to further my career there, but I can't relocate, unfortunately. Where I live, the two options I have are uncreddited.

This depends on your goals. Additional accreditation is a mark of higher quality and generally leads to better outcomes. If you want an MBA level role, in a firm that recruits MBAs, or want to move industries, then a better programme helps. 

Look at the people in the role, industry and location where you want to work. What qualifications do they have? 

This depends on your goals. Additional accreditation is a mark of higher quality and generally leads to better outcomes. If you want an MBA level role, in a firm that recruits MBAs, or want to move industries, then a better programme helps.&nbsp;<br><br>Look at the people in the role, industry and location where you want to work. What qualifications do they have?&nbsp;

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