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Hello everyone. I am here because I think I am interested in pursuing an MBA. I currently live in Okinawa, Japan, where I served in the US military, got out and decided to stay. However, I still work for the military and since my separation, I was able to complete a BA in Asian Studies and an MS in International Relations, with an emphasis on Asian Affairs, from universities that are contracted to teach on military bases here.

Having studied and lived in Asia for sometime now, I would like to continue that focus when applying for an MBA. I found schools in Malaysia that peeked my interest (lower cost of living) but I am unsure what to do since I am approaching 40yrs old and have a family now. Quitting my job to go back to school is indeed a big decision so I am wondering, when searching for a business school, should I only search for those that are accredited by AACSB, etc.? Also, because of my prior education, should I be focusing more on an MPA/MPP or does that primarily depend on my personal goals? Thanks

Hello everyone. I am here because I think I am interested in pursuing an MBA. I currently live in Okinawa, Japan, where I served in the US military, got out and decided to stay. However, I still work for the military and since my separation, I was able to complete a BA in Asian Studies and an MS in International Relations, with an emphasis on Asian Affairs, from universities that are contracted to teach on military bases here.

Having studied and lived in Asia for sometime now, I would like to continue that focus when applying for an MBA. I found schools in Malaysia that peeked my interest (lower cost of living) but I am unsure what to do since I am approaching 40yrs old and have a family now. Quitting my job to go back to school is indeed a big decision so I am wondering, when searching for a business school, should I only search for those that are accredited by AACSB, etc.? Also, because of my prior education, should I be focusing more on an MPA/MPP or does that primarily depend on my personal goals? Thanks

Yes, I suggest you focus on your goals. Considering your background, a lot of schools will be very interested in having you. The questions is: which schools will have the connections to help you get where you want to be?

Yes, I suggest you focus on your goals. Considering your background, a lot of schools will be very interested in having you. The questions is: which schools will have the connections to help you get where you want to be?

Yes, I suggest you focus on your goals. Considering your background, a lot of schools will be very interested in having you. The questions is: which schools will have the connections to help you get where you want to be?

Thanks for the reply. To be honest, the biggest reason for my wanting to pursue another degree is to begin a career change that would stir me away from the government sector. My grad degree was an accomplishment but I don't have relevant experience in the political science field and I'm too old to apply to internships. I believe an MBA in the right program will help me accomplish the main goal of a career change. I currently work in environmental protection and compliance so I am most interested in sustainability. Just thinking out loud but I think I understand, thanks.

<blockquote>Yes, I suggest you focus on your goals. Considering your background, a lot of schools will be very interested in having you. The questions is: which schools will have the connections to help you get where you want to be?</blockquote>

Thanks for the reply. To be honest, the biggest reason for my wanting to pursue another degree is to begin a career change that would stir me away from the government sector. My grad degree was an accomplishment but I don't have relevant experience in the political science field and I'm too old to apply to internships. I believe an MBA in the right program will help me accomplish the main goal of a career change. I currently work in environmental protection and compliance so I am most interested in sustainability. Just thinking out loud but I think I understand, thanks.

I think you need to speak with a career coach; your undergraduate alma mater will probably have services for alumni, and so may the army. I'm not sure what careers in sustainability look like, but I think that if you spoke to five or ten people who are working there, they might struggle to see how an MBA would help you get to where they are. Few MBAs teach sustainability issues better than specialist masters in sustainability, and I don't think any of those have reasonable networks in Asia.

You will probably find it much more effective to move diagonally: move into a private sector role in compliance, and from there into sustainability; or into a government role in sustainability, and then into the private sector. Read

I think you need to speak with a career coach; your undergraduate alma mater will probably have services for alumni, and so may the army. I'm not sure what careers in sustainability look like, but I think that if you spoke to five or ten people who are working there, they might struggle to see how an MBA would help you get to where they are. Few MBAs teach sustainability issues better than specialist masters in sustainability, and I don't think any of those have reasonable networks in Asia.

You will probably find it much more effective to move diagonally: move into a private sector role in compliance, and from there into sustainability; or into a government role in sustainability, and then into the private sector. Read

I think you need to speak with a career coach; your undergraduate alma mater will probably have services for alumni, and so may the army. I'm not sure what careers in sustainability look like, but I think that if you spoke to five or ten people who are working there, they might struggle to see how an MBA would help you get to where they are. Few MBAs teach sustainability issues better than specialist masters in sustainability, and I don't think any of those have reasonable networks in Asia.

You will probably find it much more effective to move diagonally: move into a private sector role in compliance, and from there into sustainability; or into a government role in sustainability, and then into the private sector. Read

Thanks for the advice and the link. Both were interesting reads to take into consideration.

<blockquote>I think you need to speak with a career coach; your undergraduate alma mater will probably have services for alumni, and so may the army. I'm not sure what careers in sustainability look like, but I think that if you spoke to five or ten people who are working there, they might struggle to see how an MBA would help you get to where they are. Few MBAs teach sustainability issues better than specialist masters in sustainability, and I don't think any of those have reasonable networks in Asia.

You will probably find it much more effective to move diagonally: move into a private sector role in compliance, and from there into sustainability; or into a government role in sustainability, and then into the private sector. Read</blockquote>

Thanks for the advice and the link. Both were interesting reads to take into consideration.

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