Nonprofit Management - Articles

Filters X Nonprofit Management

Human Rights is Gaining Greater Prominence in MBA Programs

Aug 09, 2021

Organizations worldwide are coming under mounting pressure to identify and address human rights issues in their businesses and supply chains

Green is Good: MBA Programs are Teaching Sustainability and Responsible Business

Mar 10, 2021

Demand is driven by a new generation of students and employers who are (sometimes) placing purpose on a par with financial gain

More than Profit: Can an MBA Program Help Make a Difference?

Mar 10, 2014

How a growing number of MBA programs are preparing people to work in non-profits and other mission-driven organizations

More MBA Programs Focusing on Socially Responsible Business

Sep 20, 2010

Thousands enroll in business school each year to learn how to make the world a better place

Beyond the Greenwash: MBA Programs for Positive Impact

Jul 20, 2010

CSR, non-profits, and social entrepreneurship are different things, and business schools are getting serious about all three.